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Hire React Native Developers

Hire the React Native

If you’re looking to develop cross-platform functionality into your mobile products, hiring React Native developers can help you bring ideas to life.

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React Native Development Services

We handle full project scoping, staffing, development, testing and delivery. Common needs include

Application Development

Build full-featured, production-ready mobile apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously using React Native.

Prototyping & MVPs

Rapidly iterate on app ideas through prototype or minimum viable product development to validate concepts.

Refactoring & Optimization

Improve app performance, upgrade frameworks and libraries, refactor code, and optimize for best practices.

UI/UX Design

Leverage design expertise to craft intuitive, polished and visually appealing user interfaces and experiences.

Quality Assurance & Testing

Comprehensive testing on emulators and devices for bugs, vulnerabilities and to ensure design/code matches specifications.

Maintenance & Support

Ensure your app remains stable, secure and up-to-date through ongoing maintenance, support and scheduled updates.

Success Stories

We have successfully delivered results for clients across industries by providing the best talent and expertise. Read below to learn how our work has impacted businesses.

Let's Connect for React

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

Team Benefit

What are the benefit that your team will get.

Our IT staff augmentation services seamlessly integrate pre-vetted React developers into your existing team. Help in finding the right skills at the critical moment.

Increased Efficiency
Cost Reduction
Enhance Skills

Excellence Assurance

Over 20 positive reviews and 7 top company Clutch Awards as a recognition of our quality and our commitment to the success of our clients.

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Business Solution

Our full-stack React Team builds customized solutions for your business
no matter which industry you operate in.

Health and care

Health Care

Smart apps catering to the needs of healthcare service providers.

Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Customized solutions to boost travel & tourism business.

banking and finance

Banking & Finance

Secure software solutions to meet the needs of banking and fintech companies.

transport and logistics


Providing cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to your logistic business

ecommerce plateforms


Scalable B2B and B2C solutions to take your business to the next level.

media industry

Social Media

Innovative web solutions designed for media and entertainment domain.

Education Departments


Custom eLearning solutions to meet the changing industry needs.

transport and logistics


High-performing and cost-effective software development solutions.

Let us give you the best solution for React

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

User Guide to React Native Development

Explore the fundamentals of React programming, from basic syntax to advanced concepts, in this comprehensive user guide for React Native development.

Understanding of React Native Mobile app development

React Native lets you build mobile apps using React. It compiles JS instead of writing native code.

Benefits include shared codebase, fast development and performance.

Key concepts are same as React but components render using native iOS/Android components.

Popular Frameworks

There are various frameworks offered by PHP, such as:

  • Expo – Used for rapid prototyping with reusable cross-platform interface elements and access to device capabilities using Expo APIs.
  • NativeBase – Collection of React Native elements for common mobile UI tasks like buttons, grids etc. Near-native render and feel.
  • React Navigation – Handles all aspects of in-app routing and navigation. Stack navigator for common navigation patterns.

Advantages of React native mobile app development

Here are advantages of using React Native:

  • Cross Platform Support: With React Native, developers can build once and deploy their apps to both iOS and Android platforms simultaneously. This saves significant time and cost compared to building separate native apps.
  • Easy to Learn: React Native leverages React’s core skills like JSX, components etc. So Web developers can adapt to mobile development more easily.
  • Agile Development: Hot reloading enables changes to update instantly without rebuilding the app. This accelerates the development process.
  • Performance: React Native compiles JS code to native code. So apps built with it can achieve native-like performance without needing to know Objective-C/Java.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Large library support available through npm for common tasks like navigation, UI components, integrations etc. This enhances productivity.
  • Easy Scaling: With React concepts like reusable components, large codebases can be scaled and maintained easily by modularizing features.
  • Updated Quickly: React Native uses JavaScript for logic. So apps incorporating latest RN versions or bug fixes can ship updates through native app stores more quickly compared to fully native apps.
  • Cost Savings: Initial time and cost investment is less than creating custom solutions for each platform from scratch using Swift/Java.
  • Modern Techniques: React’s unidirectional data flow and immutability principles helps build robust and testable apps over time.

Softwares for React Native Mobile App Development

Here are some details on software used for React Native development:

  • Text Editors: VSCode, Atom etc for code editing.
  • IDEs: Android Studio (Android), Xcode (iOS) to develop and debug native code.
  • Bundlers: Metro Bundler compiles JS code and assets to optimized bundles.
  • Dependencies: React, React Native library along with third-party libraries via Yarn/NPM.
  • Debugger: React Native Debugger visualizes bundle, inspects components, debugs JS.

Bundlers, emulators and debug tools are crucial for React Native development workflow.

Security challenges

Here are some security challenges of  React Native Mobile App development:

Sensitive Data: Encrypt and protect credentials, payment details. Don’t store secrets in code.

Vulnerabilities: Use most updated RN version, sanitize inputs to prevent XSS/injections.

Distribution: App bundles should be unsigned for development but signed with keystore for production.

Authentication: Implement secure auth workflows like OAuth. Protect routes with authentication.

Practices: Follow security best practices like SSL, input validation, limit data access/scope, periodic audits.

Performance Optimization

  • Profiling: Tools like React Native Profiler measure performance bottlenecks like slow renders, memory leaks etc. This helps optimize components.
  • Code Organizing: Split code into modular reusable components. Avoid deeply nested components.
  • State Management: Use libraries like React Redux to manage global state efficiently through centralized store instead of local component state.
  • Images: Compress images to reduce size. Lazy load images not visible initially using libraries like react-native-image-lazy-loader.
  • Network: Use caching: Cache API responses. Optimize network requests: Batch requests, throttle as needed.

Community Resources

  • Forums: Reactiflux Discord, Reddit r/reactnative for community help.
  • Courses: React Native Training, Udemy courses teach through projects.
  • Documentation: React Native official docs cover core concepts in depth.
  • Open Source: Libraries like React Navigation, React Native Paper level up experience.
  • Events: React Conf, developer meetups, Facebook tech talks inspire latest innovations.

Great Reviews

Our clients rave about the top-tier tech talents we provide, delivering outstanding results on their projects.

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"They are very willing to assemble the team that we ask for if we have certain preferences. Their flexibility and responsiveness ensure that our unique needs are met promptly."

Program Manager
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"Things that truly impressed me were their collaborative approach to team building, which fostered a strong sense of unity and creativity among team members."

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"They understand and align with our preferences, making collaboration a breeze. Their proactive communication ensures that every project progresses smoothly and efficiently."

Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to React Web Development that our clients frequently ask

For most projects, we recommend looking for developers with 2-3 years of experience building real-world React Native apps. Junior developers under 1 year may need more guidance.

We conduct phone screens to evaluate communication skills. Technical interviews include interactive coding challenges and scenario-based questions. References and past work samples are also reviewed.

We understand each project’s requirements in detail and identify candidates with matching skills, technologies and domain expertise. Team fit is also important for collaboration.

We pair new hires with senior developers for guided training on our processes, codebase and tools. Knowledge transfer workshops help ramp up developers effectively for their specific project role.

We conduct code/design reviews and encourage pair programming. Developers also self-review using linting and testing. Project managers track velocity and provide coaching/feedback regularly.

There is usually a trial period to assess performance. If needed, we will either provide additional training, reallocate the developer or part amicably while minimizing disruption.

Still have questions? We are here to help you! Contact Us or explore job opportunities as React.