
IT Staff augmentation
Hire CodeIgniter Developers

Hire the best CodeIgniter Developers

As the largest PHP staffing firm, DevProvider allows you to scale your CodeIgniter developers on demand.

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Hire php developers

CodeIgniter Development Services

With DevProvider’s CodeIgniter experts, harness the full potential of this lightweight framework through various development and managed services.

Application Development

Building new web and mobile applications completely from scratch including creating MVPs, prototypes and demos or customizing the CodeIgniter framework to specific business needs.

CodeIgniter APIs

Designing scalable RESTful and GraphQL APIs, developing API endpoints and resources along with documentation to power integration with external applications or clients.

Migration to CodeIgniter

Our skills in developing and customizing open-source CMS platforms likConverting existing legacy applications to the CodeIgniter framework, refactoring and re-architecting existing CodeIgniter codebases along with integration to external databases, tools or services WordPress and Drupal for your needs.

Maintenance and Support

Performing ongoing maintenance through code reviews, testing at each stage, debugging and fixing issues, scaling and optimizing performance of live applications.

DevOps for CodeIgniter

Hosting applications using Docker and Kubernetes platforms, implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines for automated deployments, configuring monitoring systems, backups and disaster recovery.

Managed Services

Dedicated development and support teams provide fully managed application management services for upkeep, enhancements through regular updates, upgrades and applying security patches.

Success Stories

We have successfully delivered results for clients across industries by providing the best talent and expertise. Read below to learn how our work has impacted businesses.

Digital Restaurant

R-HUB only provides a platform for their customers to create their own brand, engage with their guests, and enhance customer experiences.
Restaurant       6 Members       


We serve as your hub for diverse online discoveries, bringing you a rich tapestry of engaging content and immersive experiences.
Hospitality       5 Members      

Hire Chef Services

Elevate your everyday meals. Chef in house makes it easy to enjoy restaurant-quality cuisine prepared by skilled chefs in the comfort of your own home.
On Demand Services     3 Members       
Let us give you the best solution for CodeIgniter

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

Team Benefit

What are the benefit that your team will get.

Our IT staff augmentation services seamlessly integrate pre-vetted CodeIgniter developers into your existing team. Help in finding the right skills at the critical moment.

Increased Efficiency
Cost Reduction
Enhance Skills

Excellence Assurance

Over 20 positive reviews and 7 top company Clutch Awards as a recognition of our quality and our commitment to the success of our clients.

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Business Solution

Our full-stack CodeIgniter Team builds customized solutions for your business
no matter which industry you operate in.

Health and care

Health Care

Smart apps catering to the needs of healthcare service providers.

Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Customized solutions to boost travel & tourism business.

banking and finance

Banking & Finance

Secure software solutions to meet the needs of banking and fintech companies.

transport and logistics


Providing cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to your logistic business

ecommerce plateforms


Scalable B2B and B2C solutions to take your business to the next level.

media industry

Social Media

Innovative web solutions designed for media and entertainment domain.

Education Departments


Custom eLearning solutions to meet the changing industry needs.

transport and logistics


High-performing and cost-effective software development solutions.

Let us give you the best solution for CodeIgniter

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

User Guide to CodeIgniter Development

Explore the fundamentals of PHP programming, from basic syntax to advanced concepts, in this comprehensive user guide for PHP development.

Understanding to CodeIgniter Development

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework for building websites and applications. Here is an overview of CodeIgniter development.

CodeIgniter is a mature and widely used PHP web development framework that provides MVC functionality and tools helping developers create powerful applications in a simpler and more organized way.

Popular Frameworks

CodeIgniter competes with popular frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP and Yii which have their own pros and cons.

Some of the popular PHP frameworks include Laravel, which is more full-featured and geared towards larger applications, CakePHP focused on rapid development and Yii that offers robust libraries and tools. CodeIgniter differentiates as a lighter alternative well-suited for smaller to medium projects.

Advantages of CodeIgniter

One of CodeIgniter’s main advantages is its simplicity and ease of learning. The syntax and file structure closely resembles how PHP code is usually written, making it approachable even for beginners. It is also actively maintained with the latest version 4.1.1 released in January 2022, ensuring stability and compatibility with current requirements.

A significant CodeIgniter development benefit is the large, enthusiastic community supporting it through multiple forums, documentation and a ecosystem of third-party add-ons, libraries and plugins available on GitHub. This helps developers leverage pre-existing solutions and get quicker assistance.

Here’s the summarize advantages:

  • Lightweight and easy to learn
  • Actively maintained with recent stable releases
  • Large community support and addons available
  • Good performance and optimized for smaller projects

Software use for CodeIgniter

On the tools and technologies front, popular IDEs like PHPStorm and Visual Studio Code help with debugging, auto-completion and project management needs. Version control of source code is essential using Git. Unit testing is simplified through frameworks like PHPUnit while debugging can be done using XDebug or Bugsnag.

  • IDEs like PHPStorm, Visual Studio Code
  • Version control with Git
  • Testing tools like PHPUnit, Behat
  • Debugging with XDebug, Bugsnag etc.

Security Challanges

Some common security challenges faced pertain to sanitizing and validating untrusted user inputs to prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injections and XSS attacks. Implementing role-based authentication and authorization is also crucial. Securing file uploads and sessions further hardens the application.

  • User input validation and sanitization
  • SQL injections, XSS attacks protection
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Session and file handling security

Performance Optimization

Performance optimization aspects involve caching dynamic content, optimizing database queries using indexes for faster retrieval, lazy loading of resources, pagination for large data sets and optimizing images to reduce page load time.

  • Caching dynamic contents
  • Database optimizing using indexes
  • Lazy loading and pagination
  • Image compression and minification

You can read Steps To CodeIgniter Performance Optimization

Community and Resources

  • The active CodeIgniter community provides wealth of documentation, user guides, forums like StackOverflow, tutorials on YouTube as well as code libraries and plugins hosted on GitHub. Major technical conferences also feature CodeIgniter talks and events.

Application Management

We offer application maintenance through monitoring, backups, upgrades and adding new features periodically.

Please feel free to contact us for an obligation free discussion on how we can help you transform your idea into reality using CodeIgniter.

Great Reviews

Our clients rave about the top-tier tech talents we provide, delivering outstanding results on their projects.

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"They are very willing to assemble the team that we ask for if we have certain preferences. Their flexibility and responsiveness ensure that our unique needs are met promptly."

Program Manager
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"Things that truly impressed me were their collaborative approach to team building, which fostered a strong sense of unity and creativity among team members."

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"They understand and align with our preferences, making collaboration a breeze. Their proactive communication ensures that every project progresses smoothly and efficiently."

Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to CodeIgniter Web Development that our clients frequently ask

Our IT staff augmentation process involves evaluating your project needs and matching you with skilled CodeIgniter developers from our talent pool. These developers will integrate with your team for seamless collaboration.

Our CodeIgniter developers are highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in PHP and related technologies. We carefully vet and select developers based on their expertise, project experience, and ability to adapt to diverse development environments.

Our rigorous recruitment and assessments help hire only top talent. Work is reviewed at each stage and QA teams ensure code quality.

Security is a top priority for us. Our CodeIgniter developers follow best practices for secure coding and adhere to industry standards. We implement measures such as data encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits to ensure the safety of your applications and data.

Our onboarding process is smooth and efficient. After selecting CodeIgniter developers, we handle orientation and tools setup for quick project integration.

We use project management and collaboration tools to ensure transparency and timely deliverables through demos, check-ins etc.

Still have questions? We are here to help you! Contact Us or explore job opportunities as CodeIgniter.