
IT Staff augmentation
Hire PHP Developers

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DevProvider offers a team of highly skilled PHP developers to help power your projects and applications.

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Hire php developers
Hire php developers

PHP Technology Solutions

As a leader in IT staff augmentation, DevProvider offers full-cycle PHP development services through our team of expert consultants. We can help you build powerful web applications.

PHP Frameworks

We have deep expertise in leveraging modern PHP frameworks like Laravel and CodeIgniter to build robust, scalable applications.

API Development

Our team has extensive experience designing and implementing RESTful APIs and leveraging PHP for microservices architecture.

CMS Development

Our skills in developing and customizing open-source CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal for your needs.

Application Maintenance & Support

Rely on our PHP experts for application upgrades, and optimizations and provide ongoing support to ensure it runs smoothly.

Migration & Upgrade Support

We can help migrate your legacy PHP apps to modern frameworks and new infrastructure through seamless upgrades.

Custom Application Development

Whether a new public website or internal business system, our PHP skills can help craft elegant, data-driven solutions.

Success Stories

We have successfully delivered results for clients across industries by providing the best talent and expertise. Read below to learn how our work has impacted businesses.

Let's Connect for PHP

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

Team Benefit

What are the benefit that your team will get.

Our IT staff augmentation services seamlessly integrate pre-vetted PHP developers into your existing team. Help in finding the right skills at the critical moment.

Increased Efficiency
Cost Reduction
Enhance Skills

Excellence Assurance

Over 20 positive reviews and 7 top company Clutch Awards as a recognition of our quality and our commitment to the success of our clients.

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Business Solution

Our full-stack PHP Team builds customized solutions for your business
no matter which industry you operate in.

Health and care

Health Care

Smart apps catering to the needs of healthcare service providers.

Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Customized solutions to boost travel & tourism business.

banking and finance

Banking & Finance

Secure software solutions to meet the needs of banking and fintech companies.

transport and logistics


Providing cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to your logistic business

ecommerce plateforms


Scalable B2B and B2C solutions to take your business to the next level.

media industry

Social Media

Innovative web solutions designed for media and entertainment domain.

Education Departments


Custom eLearning solutions to meet the changing industry needs.

transport and logistics


High-performing and cost-effective software development solutions.

Let's Connect for PHP

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

User Guide to PHP Development

Explore the fundamentals of PHP programming, from basic syntax to advanced concepts, in this comprehensive user guide for PHP development.

Understanding of PHP

  • PHP is a widely used, open source scripting language suitable for web and backend development
  • Basic PHP syntax includes elements like variables, data types, operators, conditional statements and loops
  • Core Object Oriented Programming concepts like classes, objects, inheritance are also supported

Popular Frameworks

There are various frameworks offered by PHP, such as:

Key factors to consider when choosing a PHP framework:

  • Project scope/scale, required features
  • Maintenance/support needs
  • Developer skills and preferences
  • Comparative advantages based on use case

Advantages of PHP

  • PHP code is processed on the server-side, making it well-suited for dynamic web content and applications
  • Large libraries available for common tasks like authentication, validation, caching improving developer productivity
  • PHP is supported by almost all web hosting providers and servers like Apache and Nginx

Software for PHP development

Major software used for PHP development services are:

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments): Examples include PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse PDT, which provide tools for coding, debugging, and project management.

Version Control Systems: Git, Subversion (SVN), and Mercurial are commonly used for source code management, collaboration, and version control.

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite are popular choices for PHP development, providing efficient data storage and retrieval capabilities.

Security Challanges

Implementing security in PHP web apps can present several challenges:

Input Validation

  • User-supplied data must be sanitized and validated before using
  • remove special/foreign characters, enforce max lengths, check data types
  • Help prevent SQLi, XSS by avoiding direct execution of tainted input

Session Management

  • regenerate IDs on each request and store in encrypted cookies
  • use HTTPS only to protect session data in transit
  • apply secure flags, shorter timeouts, validation on critical pages

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • Always encode/escape untrusted data used in HTML, JavaScript, URLs
  • Use Content Security Policy to restrict resource locations
  • Modern frameworks have helper functions to reduce XSS risks

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  • Include CSRF tokens in POST requests and compare on server
  • Use CSRF exception for GET-only public pages
  • Check HTTP headers like Referer for signs of forged requests

SQL Injection

  • Prepared Statements with placeholders prevent interpretation of input
  • Escape input and trim whitespace before queries
  • Apply whitelist input validation early as an additional layer

Regular security testing, following secure SDLC practices and keeping dependencies up-to-date helps manage risks ongoing. OWASP resources provide more guidelines to build robustly secure PHP apps.
Read More about Best Practices of Web Security.

Performance Optimization

  • Caching layers like Opcode, Redis improve response times by reusing cached data
  • Profiling tools in IDEs/browsers identify bottlenecks in code, databases, servers
  • Setting PHP-FPM, OPCache, browser caching, CDNs optimally for runtime and network efficiency

Community and Resources

For those seeking to enhance their skills or embark on a career as a PHP developer freelance, numerous resources and a vibrant community are available to support this journey.

Online platforms like offer comprehensive documentation and tutorials, while forums such as Stack Overflow and specialized PHP communities provide a space to ask questions and share knowledge. Moreover, websites like GitHub host countless open-source projects, enabling developers to contribute to real-world applications and learn from experienced peers. By leveraging these resources and engaging with the PHP community, aspiring freelancers can stay updated with the latest trends and best practices, ensuring their freelance career is both successful and fulfilling.

Great Reviews

Our clients rave about the top-tier tech talents we provide, delivering outstanding results on their projects.

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"They are very willing to assemble the team that we ask for if we have certain preferences. Their flexibility and responsiveness ensure that our unique needs are met promptly."

Program Manager
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"Things that truly impressed me were their collaborative approach to team building, which fostered a strong sense of unity and creativity among team members."

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"They understand and align with our preferences, making collaboration a breeze. Their proactive communication ensures that every project progresses smoothly and efficiently."

Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to PHP Web Development that our clients frequently ask

Our IT staff augmentation process begins by evaluating your project needs and understanding your requirements. Then, we connect you with expert PHP developers from our talent pool who seamlessly integrate with your team.

Our PHP developers are skilled professionals with extensive experience. We vet them based on expertise and adaptability to diverse environments.

Yes, you have the flexibility to interview and select PHP developers based on your project’s specific requirements. 

Our PHP developers have tackled various projects, such as e-commerce platforms, CMS, custom web applications, and API integrations. Thus, we tailor our staffing solutions to fit your specific project needs.

Security is a top priority. Therefore, our PHP developers follow secure coding best practices and industry standards. We use data encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits to protect your applications and data.

We prioritize clear communication and regular updates. Throughout the engagement, you will have direct communication channels with our PHP developers. Our project managers also ensure that you receive timely progress reports and are available to address any queries or concerns.

Still have questions? We are here to help you! Contact Us or explore job opportunities as PHP.