
IT Staff augmentation
Hire AI Engineers

Hire Expert AI

As a leading tech staffing agency, DevProvider has an elite pool of AI engineers who are skilled in latest ML/DL techniques and can help you solve complex problems.

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AI Development Services

Our AI engineering talent pool includes experts across a diverse range of AI disciplines,


Build intelligent, conversational chatbots to enhance customer support and engagement.

AlloyDB with PostgreSQL

Leverage the power of Google's AlloyDB, a fully managed PostgreSQL-compatible database service, for your AI-powered applications.

Image Recognition

Develop computer vision solutions for image and video analysis, object detection, and facial recognition.

Natural Language Processing

Create NLP-powered applications for language translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation.

Reinforcement Learning

 Implement RL algorithms to build autonomous, self-learning systems for complex problem-solving.

Predictive Analytics

Design and deploy machine learning models for forecasting, anomaly detection, and data-driven decision making.

Success Stories

We have successfully delivered results for clients across industries by providing the best talent and expertise. Read below to learn how our work has impacted businesses.

Let's Connect for AI

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

Team Benefit

What are the benefit that your team will get.

Our IT staff augmentation services seamlessly integrate pre-vetted AI developers into your existing team. Help in finding the right skills at the critical moment.

Increased Efficiency
Cost Reduction
Enhance Skills

Excellence Assurance

Over 20 positive reviews and 7 top company Clutch Awards as a recognition of our quality and our commitment to the success of our clients.

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Business Solution

Our full-stack AI Team builds customized solutions for your business
no matter which industry you operate in.

Health and care

Health Care

Smart apps catering to the needs of healthcare service providers.

Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Customized solutions to boost travel & tourism business.

banking and finance

Banking & Finance

Secure software solutions to meet the needs of banking and fintech companies.

transport and logistics


Providing cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to your logistic business

ecommerce plateforms


Scalable B2B and B2C solutions to take your business to the next level.

media industry

Social Media

Innovative web solutions designed for media and entertainment domain.

Education Departments


Custom eLearning solutions to meet the changing industry needs.

transport and logistics


High-performing and cost-effective software development solutions.

Get Involved with AI

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

User Guide for AI Development

Explore the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence development, from basic to advanced concepts, in this comprehensive user guide for AI Developement.

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing how software is developed to solve complex problems. AI development involves applying techniques like machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing to create intelligent systems that can perceive, learn, reason and provide recommendations by learning from large amounts of data without being explicitly programmed.

here’s the point of AI project planning:

  • Define business objectives and key metrics for success
  • scope AI use cases with technical and domain experts
  • Determine data availability, volume and reliability
  • Set timeline and budget

AI frameworks provide ready libraries and APIs for building AI/ML models. The most popular ones are:

  • TensorFlow: Open-source deep learning framework by Google
  • PyTorch: Deep learning platform developed by Facebook
  • Scikit-learn: General purpose ML library for Python
  • Keras: High-level neural networks API for TensorFlow and PyTorch

The key benefits of AI development include:

  • Automate complex decision making from large datasets
  • Create intelligent applications like chatbots, image recognition etc.
  • Gain actionable insights through analytics and prediction
  • Enhance existing products with AI capabilities

While Python reigns as the predominant language, certain other tools are commonly used:

  • Python: Most popular language with libraries like NumPy, Pandas
  • R: For statistical computing and visualization
  • MATLAB: For research with toolboxes like Deep Learning
  • Jupyter Notebook: Interactive computing environment
  • Anaconda: Python distribution for data science

As AI/ML algorithms are data-driven, security aspects require careful consideration:

  • Mitigating bias and unfairness in models
  • Adversarial attacks on models
  • Data privacy and anonymization
  • Model intellectual property

Several techniques help deploy AI/ML solutions efficiently:

  • Hyperparameter tuning for more accurate results
  • Distributed computing for faster model training
  • Deploying models efficiently on mobile/edge devices
  • Continuous retraining with new data

Being an inter-disciplinary area, AI draws from diverse knowledge communities and information resources:

  • AI Conferences like NeurIPS, ICML
  • Online courses on Coursera, Udacity for learning frameworks
  • Research blogs, papers on arXiv, journals
  • Kaggle for data science competitions
  • GitHub for open-source libraries

Great Reviews

Our clients rave about the top-tier tech talents we provide, delivering outstanding results on their projects.

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"They are very willing to assemble the team that we ask for if we have certain preferences. Their flexibility and responsiveness ensure that our unique needs are met promptly."

Program Manager
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"Things that truly impressed me were their collaborative approach to team building, which fostered a strong sense of unity and creativity among team members."

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"They understand and align with our preferences, making collaboration a breeze. Their proactive communication ensures that every project progresses smoothly and efficiently."

Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to AI Engineering that our clients frequently ask

It depends on your specific needs. Core technical skills and strong programming fundamentals are key. Ask about frameworks, algorithms and domain experience relevant to your use case.

Have them explain past projects, code samples and potential solutions for your problems. Online tests or take-home assignments check abilities. Interviews assess analytical and communication skills.

Yes, we offer flexible staffing models like contract, project-based or dedicated teams based on your requirements and budget.

Security is a top priority for us. Our AI Engineers follow best practices for secure coding and adhere to industry standards. We implement measures such as data encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits to ensure the safety of your applications and data.

We prioritize clear communication and regular updates. Throughout the engagement, you will have direct communication channels with our AI Engineers. Our project managers also ensure that you receive timely progress reports and are available to address any queries or concerns.

Our recruitment process is rigorous. Developers undergo assessments and references checks. Work is reviewed at each stage by project managers and QA teams ensure code quality.

Still have questions? We are here to help you! Contact Us or explore job opportunities as AI.