
IT Staff augmentation
Hire Flutter Developers

Why Hire Flutter Developers from DevProvider?

As a pioneer in Flutter services, DevProvider has built large-scale production apps and trained some of the industry’s best Flutter Developers.

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Flutter Technology Solutions

As a leader in IT staff augmentation, Dev Provider offers full-cycle Flutter development services through our team of expert consultants. We can help you build powerful web applications.

Flutter App Development

End-to-end custom mobile app solutions from design to launch. Fullfill all your requirements.

Flutter Migration

Smoothly upgrade existing Flutter code or gracefully transition off other platforms.

UX/UI Design

Attractive user experiences through intuitive interfaces and brand-aligned visual designs.

Integration & Plugin Development

Extend functionality by building custom connectors to backend services and APIs.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring bug-free performance at every stage through automatic testing and reviews.

Maintenance & Support

Reliable upkeep through quick fixes and adaptation to changes over your app's lifespan.

Success Stories

We have successfully delivered results for clients across industries by providing the best talent and expertise. Read below to learn how our work has impacted businesses.

Get Involved with Flutter

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

Team Benefit

What are the benefit that your team will get.

Our IT staff augmentation services seamlessly integrate pre-vetted Flutter developers into your existing team. Help in finding the right skills at the critical moment.

Increased Efficiency
Cost Reduction
Enhance Skills

Excellence Assurance

Over 20 positive reviews and 7 top company Clutch Awards as a recognition of our quality and our commitment to the success of our clients.

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Business Solution

Our full-stack Flutter Team builds customized solutions for your business
no matter which industry you operate in.

Health and care

Health Care

Smart apps catering to the needs of healthcare service providers.

Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Customized solutions to boost travel & tourism business.

banking and finance

Banking & Finance

Secure software solutions to meet the needs of banking and fintech companies.

transport and logistics


Providing cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to your logistic business

ecommerce plateforms


Scalable B2B and B2C solutions to take your business to the next level.

media industry

Social Media

Innovative web solutions designed for media and entertainment domain.

Education Departments


Custom eLearning solutions to meet the changing industry needs.

transport and logistics


High-performing and cost-effective software development solutions.

Let's Connect for Flutter

Get a free consultation and Let’s discuss how a collaboration with DevProvider can help support your strategic technology initiatives.

User Guide to Flutter App Development

Explore the fundamentals of Flutter programming, from basic syntax to advanced concepts, this covers key aspects of Flutter development.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a free and open-source UI software development kit created by Google to develop high-performance, native mobile, desktop and web applications from a single codebase.

Key concepts:

  • Dart Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart as its primary programming language which compiles to native code. It is an optional typed, class-based object-oriented language with C-style syntax.
  • Widgets: Flutter UI is composed of declarative widgets that are immutable reusable UI components. Common widgets include Text, Row, Container etc.
  • Widget Tree: Flutter apps have a widget tree with parent-child relationships that determines how widgets are rendered on screen.
  • Rendering Engine: Flutter’s own rendering engine (Skia Graphics Library) handles UI composition and drawing across platforms natively at a low level using widgets.
  • Hot Reload: Capability to hot reload/refresh code changes instantly during development without restarting the app for faster iteration.
  • Reactive Approach: State changes trigger rebuilds automatically using declarative approach which improves performance.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Async, await syntax in Dart makes asynchronous code read like synchronous code for efficient non-blocking handling of long-running tasks.
  • Native Platform Integration: Flutter provides interface to access native capabilities on mobile and desktop systems through plugins.

So in summary, Flutter empowers creation of beautiful, performant apps powered by its widgets library and reactive rendering engine from a single Dart codebase.

There are various frameworks offered by Flutter, such as:

  • State Management
      • Provider – State management without context. Supports stateful and stateless widgets.
      • BLoC – Separation of presentation and business logic using Streams and Sinks.
  • Themes and Styling
      • Theme – Define style properties like colors and typography.
      • Theming – Customize Material and Cupertino components using Themes.
  • Hot reload enables quick debugging and testing of code changes in seconds without recompiling the app.

  • Native UI and smooth animations using Flutter’s declarative framework that maps directly to platform-specific widgets.

  • Performance on par with native as code runs on same mobile OS using Flutter’s customized Dart VM. Near-native speeds.

Major software used for Flutter development services are:

  • IDE

    • Android Studio – Official IDE with emulators, debug tools, widgets catalog etc.
    • VSCode – Popular editor with Flutter/Dart plugins for intellisense, debugging.
  • Tools

    • Flutter – Flutter CLI for creating, building and deploying apps.
    • Dart plugins – Code analysis, formatting, linting during development.

Implementing security in Flutter applications can present several challenges:

  • Secure data flow using Firebase Authentication, limit private API access, input sanitization

  • Prevent vulnerabilities like XSS by encoding output, validate untrusted inputs before using.

  • Encrypt data at rest and secure communication over SSL when transmitting over network.

Following these techniques can help Flutter apps stay responsive on real devices under various conditions.

  • Use LayoutBuilder and Transform widgets for complex layouts to minimize rebuilds.
  • Fetch assets lazily instead of upfront to reduce initial loading time.
  • Reduce size of assets by optimizing images with smaller dimensions and compression.
  • For lists, use ListView.builder instead of plain ListView for better performance.
  • Optimize animations by removing unecessary layers, using lower duration or Complexity level.
  • Use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin on StatefulWidgets to prevent rebuilds.
  • Profile memory usage using DevTools memory profiler to detect leaks.
  • Batch operations using compute() for heavy tasks like image processing.
  • Code split using packages like flutter_modular to split app into modules.
  • Consider stateless widgets over stateful where possible.
  • Caching widget state locally avoids rebuilding on configuration changes.
  • Release mode builds are optimized for production while debug builds focus on development experience over raw performance.
  • Use services like Firebase Performance Monitoring to catch issues in release builds.
  • Plugins – Extensions for integrating features like maps, camera, billing etc.

  • YouTube – Channels like The Flutter Way, Reso Coder for tutorial series.

  • Articles – Blogs, documentation and tutorials on sites like Medium and Programming Hero.

Great Reviews

Our clients rave about the top-tier tech talents we provide, delivering outstanding results on their projects.

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"They are very willing to assemble the team that we ask for if we have certain preferences. Their flexibility and responsiveness ensure that our unique needs are met promptly."

Program Manager
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"Things that truly impressed me were their collaborative approach to team building, which fostered a strong sense of unity and creativity among team members."

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"They understand and align with our preferences, making collaboration a breeze. Their proactive communication ensures that every project progresses smoothly and efficiently."

Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to Flutter App Development that our clients frequently ask

Our IT staff augmentation process involves assessing your project requirements, understanding your specific needs, and matching you with highly skilled Flutter app developers from our talent pool. The developers will work as an extension of your in-house team, ensuring seamless collaboration.

We have a rigorous selection process involving tests, interviews and code reviews to find top talent with relevant skills and experience.

Yes, you have the flexibility to interview and select Flutter developers based on your project’s specific requirements. We believe in providing our clients with the autonomy to choose the right fit for their team.

We have a QA process involving code reviews, testing, linting etc. Developers also undergo ongoing training. You can rate developer performance periodically.

Yes, you will be assigned a dedicated manager for communication and progress updates. You can also schedule standups or meet developers directly.

We will share the requiements in detail and get signoff on timelines. Developers will go through an intensive onboarding on your processes, tools and codebase.

We offer maintenance support, upgrades and issue resolution. You can also hire additional resources or extend timelines as per requirements.

Still have questions? We are here to help you! Contact Us or explore job opportunities as Flutter.